Sunday, December 16, 2012

This is our daughter Dylana Kapuler who with Mario DiBenedetto call themselves Peace Seedlings and have their own seed company. A link can be found at the top of the right column.
Peace Seeds is now focusing on PNW endemic species, obscure food plants and new breeding results.
Alan and Linda Kapuler

A Planetary Genome Pool Service
Plant Breeding for the Public Domain
Pacific Northwest Species Seeds
OG since ‘73

Alan and Linda Kapuler

To Order
Send your list of requests to Peace Seeds, 2385 SE Thompson St., Corvallis OR 97333-1919 USA, with a check or postal money order for the appropriate amount including $3, shipping and handling. For orders outside of the USA, please include 30% of cost of order for airmail postage and handling. We can be emailed at

To Lynn Margulis, a Gaian biological genius whose macro view from a micro perspective changed the way we understand life and the living planet that is our home.
    She was a champion of genomic cooperation in an era when evolution was dominated by the competitive selection viewpoint. She promoted cooperation as one of the major forces in evolutionary selection. Her books about the diversity of life continue to educate us about the complexity, wry uniqueness and sheer magnificence of our living planet.
   Her living planet perspective, Gaia, encourages us to grow out of our human egocentricity into a unified biology.

Appreciation and Recognition
To Dylana Kapuler and Mario DiBenedetto, dba Peace Seedlings. 
For a 2013 list send a SASE to 2385 SE Thompson St., Corvallis OR 97333 USA.
To Peace Seedlings for remarkable crops of the Andean Roots: Oca, Mashua & Yacon.
To Alex Curnew aka GAlexC for his wonderful spirit and essential help.
To John and Marsha Sundquist for their collaboration at River’s Turn Farm
To James Lawson for and Bi Jihuan for
To Hal Brown, Tracy and Dan Lamblin.
To Judy Weiner, Windy River Farm for the Peace Seeds logo.
To the SSE, GRIN, Alan Bishop, seedfolk locally and worldwide.
To Sarangamat Gurusiddian Ph.D. for collaboration in the amino acid analyses.
To George Stevens (Synergy Seeds), Anpetu Oihankesni (Sourcepoint Seeds) and Rich Pecoraro (Abbondanza Seed and Produce), three of the greatest living seedfolk.
To Scott and Zizi Vlaun (MoosePondArts) for our decades long collaboration.
To Dominique Guillet (Kokopelli Seeds) for his courage, dedication and commitment to public domain seeds, a healthy world and a loving planetary society.
To Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and The Grateful Dead.

Thanks to all of you, the endeavor grows.


Ocean’s End  by Colin Woodard, 2000, Basic Books.
1493 by Charles Mann 2011, Knopf.

Terms of Business

            We are responsible that the seeds we supply and fertile and correctly labeled. We are glad to reimburse anyone dissatisfied to the cost of the seeds and no more, or to re-supply given kinds. We are not responsible for the mis-use of the seeds or the plants that arise from them. Our seeds exceed state and federal germination requirements. We list the minimum number of seeds per packet. Frequently we pack more, depending on the harvest. Seeds from our breeding work and other staple crops are grown organically in our 3 acre Peace Seeds and Peace Seedlings garden aka Brown’s Garden. A few kinds come from our home garden. Brian Walker and Locally Grown Seeds provided some of the pea seeds. John Sundquist provided seeds as indicated in the text. The remainder are collected in the PNW or in other places that we visit.  Tubers, corms, bulbs and yacon crowns are sent only to USA addresses.

            After decades of writing seed lists and catalogs, this is the first time using the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 3 System, called APG3. For a good introduction see P. Spears 2006 A Tour of the Flowering Plants, Missouri Botanical Garden Press or look on-line under APG3. Peter Stevens discussion of current plant taxonomy in the APG3/MOBOT website is most excellent and inspiring.
           We encourage people to do a Google image search for the species and cultivars that we offer and to look into Wikipedia on-line for more information.


               Sagittaria latifolia       Wapato          50 seeds/3.00; 3 small tubers/$10
A widespread aquatic food plant of north America, used by natives for untold centuries and of major importance in the pacific northwest where it also feeds ducks, geese, muskrats, nutria and beavers. Plants are attractive, to 3’, with large arrow-shaped leaves and spikes of 1” white flowers, male and female on the same flowering spikes, sometimes sexes on different plants. Seeds are fresh collected from plants we grow.  Japanese high school students have found that seed germination is promoted by 300 ppm GA-3 (Gibberellic Acid-3) reducing germination time (from years to months) cf:
The small tubers can be dropped in a shallow water (6-20 inches deep) pond or tub with several inches of soil on the bottom. After they grow roots, they will sink to the bottom, root in and make leaves, flowers and  eventually seeds. Supplies are limited.
                         Camassia leichtlinii
                             Camas Hyacinth, major   Maturity 2-5 years                  25/4.00
            One of the major PNW Amerindian foodplants. The common and widely distributed species with edible bulbs and attractive purple flowers. This was one of the major foodplants of this bioregion prior to the Columbian exchange (see the books 1491 and 1493 by Charles Mann for a mind opening unveiling of life in the New World before and after Columbus). At one time, the Willamette Valley in springtime was a blue-purple blaze from the coast range to the Cascades as the camas was widespread and prolific. Camas was tended with care by the native peoples who harvested it. Now it is marginalized. Burbank, 85 years ago bred cultivars with large bulbs and a variety of flower colors including pinks, blues, pale yellows to show that this is a multifunctional taxon with delicious bulbs and beautiful flowers. Calochortus also has these traits in common.
                      Camassia quamash
                              Camas Hyacinth, minor    Maturity 2-5 years            25/4.00  
            One of several species of camas used by PNW natives as a primary vegetable foodplant. Flowers are blue-purple, smaller than C. leichtlinii, as are the bulbs. Used for centuries, baked in pit ovens whence the bulbs which contain inulins caramelize into a delicious food. In 1998, Gurusiddiah and Kapuler analyzed the juice of a camas bulb and found 15/20 amino acids used in protein synthesis in the juice. The highest amounts were, in descending order, arginine, cysteine, threonine, isoleucine, aspartic acid, tyrosine, serine and histidine. In comparison with other vegetables, the camas is unusually high in some of the rarer amino acids needed by our bodies for making proteins. 
             Allium ampeloprasum            Babbington Top Setting Leek    20 bulbils/$5.00
Perennializing hardy heirloom with bulbils made on the top of inflorescences as some garlic and onions.
Allium ampeloprasum            Winter Giant Leeks                          100/3.50
Long white shanks, 1-3” thick, hardy, overwinters well, heirloom.
Allium cepa                 Newburg Yellow Storage Onion                 100/4.00
An open pollinated selection from an F1 hybrid with excellent biological and agronomic traits: tight wrappered single spherical bulbs, longterm storage, crisp medium hot flavor, selected under organic conditions. An amino acid analysis of the juice of one of the early generations of this new cultivar showed significant amounts of >> arginine, aspargine, glutamine, serine and leucine.
    Allium sativum           Italian Purple Garlic-top bulbils               30/4.00
8-10 large easy peeling cloves per rosette; hard stalk/rocambole cultivar.  Bulbils will give rosettes in a single season under fertile conditions.
         Crinum x powellii       Cape Crinum                       1 medium sized flowering bulb $10
            Hardy to zone 6-7, a pink flowering perennial bulb with clusters of flowers and sometimes huge bulbs. A hybrid of Crinum moorei and C. bulbispermum, both South African species. The flowers are fragrant. Plant with 1/3 of bulb above the ground. Please include $5 for shipping. 5 bulbs available.
                    Cyrtanthus falcatus   Shepherd’s Crook                1 flowering sized bulb $15
            An unusual relative of Hippeastrums, Amaryllis, Crinums, this perennial bulb has a 180 degree twist in the inflorescence so that the tubular orange and greenish flowers face down. Grown in our greenhouse. Plant so that the top 1/4 of the bulb is above the soil level. Please include $3 for shipping. 5 bulbs available.
                     Scadoxus puniceus    Paintbrush Amaryllid          1 flowering sized bulb $12
South African bulb with spike of orange clustered flowers in late spring before the leaves emerge. Attractive and interesting. We grow these in the ground in our greenhouse in mixed sand, clay and gravel with most of the bulbs emerging above the soil.. Please include $3 for shipping. 3 bulbs available.
              Asparagaceae subfamily Nolinoideae
                         Ruscus aculeatus       Knee Holly/Butcher’s Broom                      7/5.00
            Perennial shrub to 2 feet with sharp pointed leaf-like structures and red berries. Is known to increase circulation and an herbal for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
                            Dioscorea batatas                   Jinengo Potato                          4/6.00
            Temperate vine that develops 2-3’ or longer starchy edible roots, sometimes wrist sized and taking several years. On the vines, small aerial edible bulbils develop which drop to the ground and produce new plants. We supply these vegetative seeds. An alternative name is Mountain Yam and this is a true yam, a dioscorea rather than a sweet potato which is a tuberous rooted morning glory with which it is frequently confused. One of our customers instructed us that these aerial seeds grow male plants. Female plants develop entirely different kind of seeds.
                  Dendrobium kingianum        Pink Rock Orchid                one 6-8” keiki/$10
            During the 1950’s my father and I exhibited orchids in the International Flower Show in the NY Coliseum. In the process I made the acquaintance of G. Hermon Slade from Vanuatu, New South Wales in the south sea islands where he had an extensive orchid collection. He later sent me a plant of this Australian  species that is the sole relic of my childhood collection, more than 50 years on. My father kept it alive until the mid 1990’s. It is doing better now than in previous decades growing in our cool, shady greenhouse where it is kept dry during the winter to induce flowering.
              Eleocharis dulcis                    Water Chestnut                 3 small corms/$9
A favorite and delicious food in Asia, we grow these in water tubs and fish tanks in our greenhouse in several inches of fertile sandy mud submerged in 1-2 feet of water.
                                    Zea mays                     Double Red Sweet Corn          1 ounce/6.00
            Intense purple seeds from anthocyanin pigments similar to the ones found in blueberries. Excellent fresh and makes an extraordinary corn bread both in taste and color. Plants 5-7’, 1-2 ears/stalk. Dark purple stalks and leaves. This is the best selection since we began working with high anthocyanin sweet corns more than 15 years ago.
                          Zea mays                     Oaxacan Green Starch Corn           1 ounce $5.00
            Grown by John Sundquist of River’s Turn Farm, A choice tortilla corn and Mexican heirloom.
                           Zea mays                     True Gold Sweet Corn              1 ounce/5.00
In 1955 three acres of Golden Jubilee Sweet Corn gave me food and shelter. One of the best corns bred in the USA, we offer an open pollinated selection from the original hybrid. Plants are 6-8’ tall, green, cobs with yellow-orange seeds high in zea-xanthin, one of the three pigments that protect our eyes from bleaching. A great sweet corn. 
Zea mays         Painted Hill Sweet Corn                  1 ounce/120seeds/5.00
            For many decades, Dave Christiansen grew native Amerindian starch corns at 5000’ in the Rocky Mountains selecting for survival and fertility. We crossed his Painted Mountain Starch Corn to Luther Hill Sweet Corn heirloom to develop the cultivar we offer. It is 5-6’ tall, tillered, multieared, adapted to cool, wet soils and been further selected by Peace Seedlings for dark multicolored seeds.
                                    Zea mays         Rainbow Inca Sweet Corn             1 ounce/6.00
            Our first sweet corn breeding project in the late 1970’s with white seeded Peruvian chokelo starch corn, southwest native Amerindian starch corns and several predominantly heirloom sweet (su) corns. Inadvertently, with the help of underground rodents and persistence, we got some multicolored starch corn with large flat seed. The year after, we found a few multicolored crinkle seeds in the large mostly starch filled ears. Peace Seedlings has grown up some fresh seed that we are pleased to offer. 8’ green plants, 2 ears/plant.
                                    Thalia dealbata           Water Canna                         5 seeds/4.00
            Attractive and hardy water plant to 6’ with panicles of small purple flowers. Seeds are similar to and feel like those of Canna indica.
            Apiales- close cousins of ginseng and the daisies
                               Angelica archangelica                       Garden Angelica                 20/4.00
 Biennial to 6’, hardy, moisture loving, fragrant, European species.   
                               Bunium bulbocastaneum                  Earth Chestnut                    25/4.00
     Small shrubby aggressive temperate perennial from Europe with small round edible and tasty tubers. Propagates by seeds as well as stolons.           
                              Coriandrum sativum              Coriander/Cilantro  50/3.00    1/2 oz/$7.00
            An spice seed and herb from antiquity and a characteristic of many cuisines. Reseeding annual. Seeds from River’s Turn Farm.
                               Ferula communis                   Giant Anise Fennel                          50/3.50
            A hardy perennial that makes large clumps, 6-10’ tall,  of ferny foliage and fragrant seeds.
                               Heracleum susnowskii          S. Siberian Giant Umbel     15/5.00
            From South Siberia almost 20 years ago, now grown up into plants with 3-4’ across
leaves and a giant inflorescence of 8-10’ tall whose central umbel of tiny white flowers is
more than 14” across. Monocarpic with perennial character.
                          Levisticum officinale                    Lovage                   1 crown division/10.00
            Hardy European perennial herb. Strong intense aromatic flavor.        
Lomatium species
            We have been collecting small amounts of seeds of the desert parsleys, genus Lomatium, mostly from north central Oregon to southern Washington.  This endemic genus with 60-80 species native to the Pacific Northwest having a range from northern California to southern British Columbia and extending eastward from the high desert plains to the Rockies has many species used by local native people for food, medicine and survival. Areas that are now occupied by Hanford, WA were once food and species rich making it possible for a person, usually a woman, to gather 60 pounds of edible roots in a day. Some species were dried in the sun, pounded into flour and baked into breads. Names like breadroot or biscuitroot were applied to several species. These are not easy to identify though the seeds of each species we have seen thus far are uniquely distinctive. Seeds of Lomatiums have germinated well for us if planted from late November to March so they receive the cycles of rain, cold, frost, mist, sun….
Growing up larger plants is more difficult. Some species have very long primary taproots that makes transplanting difficult. Soils too are an important factor and good drainage is essential. We use mixtures of basalt scree, pebbles, sand, compost in an ongoing work dedicated to growing these rare, beautiful and disappearing species.
                Lomatium dissectum              Fern Leaf Desert Parsley                  25/5.00
Well respected medicinal plant with powerful and bitter roots that come from slow growing large rooted perennials. From the Siskiyou’s to the Cascades and in the Gorge, these umbels have yellow, sometimes pale yellow to purple flowers. Root juice contains asparagine and proline in significant amounts.
                  Lomatium nudicaule              Pestle Parsnip                                   15/5.00  
Eaten as spring greens and winter roots, these small herbs are endemic to the PNW and used by generations of local native peoples for their nutrition and sustenance. The seeds were carried and distributed by medicine folk and healers with stories that they were used for bacterial infections like pneumonia and tuberculosis and virus infections like influenza. Ryan Drum considers these seeds an effective and worthwhile replacement for Lomatium dissectum roots. His on-line discussion of this plant also known as the Indian Consumption Plant is most excellent. 
                 Lomatium suksdorfii              Suksdorf’s Desert Parsley               out of stock
 Very large clumping perennials with stout inflorescences, rare.
              Lomatium utriculatum           Spring Gold                                      20/4.00
Hardy perennial to 1’ with spikes of yellow flowers that bloom for months during springtime. Young leaves and roots were used for food and medicine by west coast natives. Found from California to British Columbia.
               Myrrhis odorata                     Sweet Cicely                                      20/4.00
Hardy perennial European herb with tasty immature 1/2” licorice tasting fruits that become fluted conical seeds. Attractive ferny foliage.
                Oenanthe sarmentosa            Pacific Water Parsley                       20/4.00
The coastal strand of the Pacific Northwest has some nice stands of endemic species in the carrot family. This is one of them. Growing to 4’, it likes abundant moisture and part shade.     
               Pastinaca sativa                      Hollow Crown Parsnip                    50/3.50
Excellent European Heirloom; long roots, large crowns, excellent flavor.
                Petroselinum crispum            Turkish Parsley                                100/3.00
Selected from heirloom land races collected for the USDA and adapted to our yard during a decade of acclimatization and selection. Distinctive aroma and flat, thin leaves.
                  Smyrnium olusatrum            Alexander’s Salad Greens   25/3.00 1 ounce/$9
Another tale of adaptation, selection and weediness: it took a while for this European species to germinate and adapt to our shady, moist, PNW valley yard. Then for a few years some nice large green plants flourished in january to march before much else was thriving. The next year, 1/4 of the yard was occupied by Alexander’s. Turns out that the compost pile needs fresh green during late winter and early spring. Alexander’s was more popular before celery was commercialized as a crop. Alexander’s is a prime ally for compost making, fertility enhancement and tasty spring greens for soup and salad.
Aralia californica                               Elk Clover               20/4.00
            Established in our yard as a perennial grown from seed, now 7 years later it has provides an abundant seed crop. Plants are 5-6’ tall, sprawling, attractive with clusters of small white flowers and purple berries that are considered by some to be an adaptogen. Stratify for several months at 40F under moist conditions for germination. Likes moist and shady conditions.
                        Asteraceae-largest family of dicots, 14-16 tribes, the golden daisies.of the sun.
                                    Arctium lappa             Takinogawa Burdock, Gobo            50/3.00
            A staple of the macrobiotic and vegan diets. Long roots work their way into clay soils bringing up minerals and breaking thru hardpans. The roots can get bigger than one’s wrist. They contribute a unique flavor to soups and stir-fries and have nutritional/biochemical traits in common with milk thistle and globe artichoke. Free pre-protein amino acids in descending order of abundance in root juice are: glutamic+asparagine, arginine, proline, glutamine, isoleucine and phenylalanine.
                        Calendula officinalis              Bright Yellow Double Calendula      25/4.00
            3-4” flowers in cold weather, these hardy daisies grow a foot tall, have about 60 petals/flower and we especially appreciate them during late fall and early spring. A medicinal plant with a long history and many virtues.
                                    Cynara cardunculus              Globe Artichoke                       15/4.00
            A venerable foodplant for the edible parts of its immature flowerbuds. Seeds were collected from the best two plants among fifty that survived the winter. About half the time these plants overwinter and then we get a fine harvest. Deep freezes below 20 degrees F kill the plants.
                                    Eriophyllum lanatum             Wooly Daisy                             20/4.00 Attractive yellow flowers on 1’ plants collected at 4,000 feet in the Siskiyou Mtns of southern Oregon. These daisies grow on marginal and depauperate soils and flower in summer and fall. 
                 Helianthus annuus           Supreme Mix             50/3.00            800 seeds/7.50
            Our ongoing annual selection from volunteers and plantings after decades of public domain sunflower breeding including polyheaded and large single heads, early and late flowering, single, double and tiger’s eye petal morphs, color variety including bronze, amber, red, gloriosa, yellow and lemon. Crosses with Helianthus argophyllus, the Silverleaf Sunflower, a rare Texas endemic have given some late giants, stiff multiflowered spikes and a longer flowering season.
                            Helianthus annuus x H. argophyllus  China Cat Sunflower Mix   50/5.00
            From crosses of regular sunflowers with the Silverleaf Sunflower arise new combinations on stiff, long stems with fuzzy leaves, This ongoing development combining these species, improves horticultural and aesthetic traits. Towers of flowers and flower-thick spikes are in the genome.
In 1997 we grew a kinship garden of the daisies. With 14-16 tribes, more than 1200 genera and 25,000 species, there was considerable opportunity to select representatives (reps) for optimizing our view of daisy diversity. Among the genus Helianthus with 50 or so species endemic to the mainland USA, the GRIN network provided seeds for a dozen species and reps of H. annuus from a dozen countries. Several years later, we noticed that within our volunteer sunflowers were some new traits: longer flowering season, particularly at the end of the season, many branches and branches stiffer than usual with occasional whorled flower clusters. It seems that of the 4-5 species that can cross with Helianthus annuus, H. argophyllus is one of them and it was H. argophyllus that contributed the new traits. For more info about the species and crossing of sunflowers see The Sunflower Species of the United States by C.E. Rogers, T.T. Thompson and G.J. Seiler. 1982, pgs 63-66, National Sunflower Association.
              In 2011 we repeated the growout of Helianthus argophyllus and it crossed avidly with our wild sunflowers. The seeds we offer are from the F2 and F3 generations. Some of the hybrid plants were 14-16 feet tall and kept flowering for months after the H. annuus had finished flowering.
                           Lactuca sativa             Peace Seedlings Lettuce Mix                      100/3.00
            A mix of more than 18 kinds in all categories.
                         Lactuca sativa            Brown’s Garden Volunteers                         100/3.00
            Many excellent volunteers from more than a dozen kinds.
                          Lactuca sativa             Purplus Looseleaf Lettuce                             100/4.00
            Intense purple crisped leaves, a plus for purple.
                          Silphium perfoliatum             Cup Plant Daisy                                   25/3.50
            Perennial to 8’ with large leaves that cup the central stem, clusters of 2” yellow flrs. Native to central and eastern North America
           Smallanthus sonchifolius      Yacon       see
            Valuable Andean foodplant having edible inulin containing tubers and propagated from eyes similar to Dahlias. There are 30-40 eyes in a pound of crowns. Each eye can make a plant  We plant a piece with  one to several eyes in pots to make vigorous starts that are planted out in mid-spring. See YACON: Renaissance of an Ancient Andean Foodplant in for more information about the health, horticultural and nutritional properties of this ancient crop. Free amino acids in tuber juice are >> asparagine, glutamine, glutamic acid, arginine, isoleucine, serine and valine.
                     Tagetes erecta             La Ribera Double Marigolds                           50/4.00
            From the single flower discussed in the following listing, we are selecting a beautiful polypetalous
                  Tagetes erecta                         Summer Snowflake Marigolds              50/5.00
In 1997, in a small restaurant in La Ribera, Baja California, Mexico, there was a 8” dried up marigold plant with a single dried up flower. It had fertile seeds and was very heterozygous, giving rise to lines of both single petal and polypetalous types. In 2009 we finally grew a stable line whose flowers have 8 orange petals looking like antelope horns. Kusra Kapuler likened them to snowflakes in summertime. Plants get 4-5’ tall and bloom late into fall. 
Tagetes patula                 Burgundy Double Mix Marigolds              50/5.00
            Selecting China Cat Mix for polypetalous double flowers with intense wine purple burgundy flowers having gold margins led to this new mix. Plants are 3’ tall and equally wide.
                Tagetes patula                 China Cat Mix Marigolds    50/3.00  800 seeds/7.50
            A mix of single and double flowers. 2-4’ shrubs with marvelous colors and patterns. It is our core mix that gives rise to new varieties.
              Tagetes patula                        Frances’s Choice Marigolds                         50/5.00
            Towards the end of Frances Hoffman’s life, I would wander the garden and pick her a bouquet. She was a lifetime seed saver, horticulturist and plant genius so my eyes were open to the unusual and unique. By the time I had picked several dozen kinds of flowers, I walked down a 40’ row of China Cat MG and saw a heretofore unseen flower, single with 8 petals, dark red-purple with a gold rim around each petal. I cut the flower and put it in her bouquet and tagged the plant. A few days later, on the phone, she expressed her appreciation for the flowers. Her only specific comment was ‘that’s a right beautiful single marigold’. So having tagged the plant and collected several mature, fertile, seeding flowers. I planted them the following year and got a 40’ row, all with the same flower as I sent Frances. Of particular relevance here is that the seeds from the one plant, now called Frances’s Choice bred true in spite of the layout wherein the one plant was in a direct seeded row of about 300 plants of a marigold mix that upon close inspection can be seen to have virtually every plant different from one another. So we found that most of the T. patula’s breed true rather quickly. This is not true of Tagetes erecta which outcrosses very easily. Frances’s Choice is 3-5’ tall and has 8-9” long stems, ideal for picking for small, distinctive and outstanding bouquets.
                      Tagetes species           Garden Companion Mix Marigolds     50/3.00  800/7.50
            We consider marigolds and sunflowers the most important companion flowers in the vegetable garden. This mix returns the tall and wide marigolds to our gardens. Plants are 2-8’ tall with a yearly changing mix of colors, patterns and morphs.
                     Tagetes patula                        Golden Star Marigolds                         50/5.00
            2-3’ stocky, well branched bushes  with hundreds of 2” yellow and orange flowers that change color as the season progresses into burnt chrome, paisley and stardust.
                     Tagetes patula                        Orange Sunshine Mix Marigolds         50/3.50
            Selected from China Cat, this is an ongoing orange flowered mix. A mixture of single and polypetalous flowers, or double flowers in the horticultural slang terminology. Flowers are fluffy making soft orange 3-4’ bushes.
                       Tagetes patula                        Red Metamorph Marigolds                   50/5.00
            2-3’ closely branched shrubs with flowers that change color and pattern during the season making floriforous and attractive hedges along pathways in the garden. In the cool weather of spring-summer the flowers are all wine-burgundy purple. As the days and nights become warmer, the flowers develop golden orange sectors giving a pinwheel-like appearance. Then as the cooler weather of fall comes on, the young flowers become all burgundy once again. The Metamorphs or Face Changers were a race of people created by Robert Silverberg.
                      Tagetes patula                        Sparkler Double Marigolds                   50/5.00
            3-5’ tall plants with 2” double flowers, a selection from Frances’s Choice. Like its parental line, it has 8-9” flower stems making it another fine choice for marigold bouquets. In Mexico and Central America where Tagetes patula is a wildflower, it and Tagetes erecta are important health promoting herbs. Sacred to the Day of the Dead, these plants and their flowers are brought into houses and provide sesquiterpene fragrances that inhibit the growth of common infectious bacteria like staph, strep and pneumonia and their viruses. The bright flowers maintain well in mild frosts and last well into fall in the Willamette Valley. They light up our home for months and remind us that fragrance and color from organically grown flowers help our moods, brighten up our spirits and sustain our bodies as winter comes on.
                    Tagetes patula                        Tiger’s Eye Mix Marigolds                     50/4.00
            Robust plants to 3’ with a profuse bloom of 2” flowers with large petaloid centers. This is the same phenomenon as seen with sunflowers where doubles cross with singles to give tiger’s eyes. These are beautiful and interesting to grow in the annual garden.
                    Tanacetum parthenium                     Feverfew                                 100/4.00
            Hardy perennial herb to 3’ with clusters of white flowers having yellow centers and an aromatic fragrance useful in medicinal teas.      
                Zinnia violacea                       Sunset Mix                                        25/3.50
            A new mix developed by Peace Seedlings with many colors and morphologies on 3-5’ plants. Large attractive flowers with some new ones peeking through.
                        Amaranthaceae includes Chenopodiaceae
                                  Amaranthus andeana       Elephant Head Heirloom     50/4.00  
          A Peruvian woman who walked into our greenhouse one day remarked ‘kiwicha’ upon seeing the mature cut plants that reminded her of an heirloom grain that she grew up with. Our seed came from Frances Hoffman whose plants in Nampa, ID grew 5’ tall and 6’ across with tall columnar drooping flower spikes that reminded her of elephants in her garden. Her seed came from Germany in the 1880’s. Curiously, Peru and Germany had political connections during that era. In Oregon’s Willamette Valley, plants are considerably smaller, 3-4’ and seed production is enhanced by letting plants fully age. Beautiful, striking plants.
                                    Amaranthus cruentus              Hartman’s Giant         100/4.00
           Once a year, in Jacksonville Oregon, in the 1970’s, Mr Hartman would fill a glass vase with about two pounds of tiny, shiny black seeds and give $100 to the person whose guess of the number of seeds was closest. I sent some seed to a friend who had an electrobalance to determine that a single seed weighed 0.6mg but it did no good, I never won but ended up with seeds of a vigorous cultivar that gets to 10’ with large, dark purple paniculate inflorescence with excellent production of seeds.
                                    Beta vulgaris            Three Root Grex Beets                     40/4.00
            An interbreeding mix of three distinctive cultivars, Crosby Egyptian Purple Heirloom, Lutz Overwintering Heirloom and Yellow Intermediate Mangel Heirloom. 
                               Chenopodium quinoa     Faro Quinoa                                      100/3.50
Sea level cultivar from Chile with white seeds, 3-4’ plants and fair seed production. Bitter saponins can be washed from the seeds with warm water.
                         Hablitzia tamnoides     Caucasus Mountains Vine Spinach          out of stock
            Some 20 years ago, Carol Deppe discussed with AMK her interest in perennial salad plants. In the interrum, Stevil on Alan Bishops gardening website related his enthusiasm and admiration for this species which grows leafy vines early in springtime and into summer. The leaves are a good quality edible both raw and cooked. This is a rather unknown and valuable hardy perennial foodplant. Good King Henry (Chenopodium bonus-henricus) is a poor cousin to this species.
                                Polygonum latifolia v. crassus        Nye Beach Polygonum     40/4.00
            While walking the intertidal strand in Newport, there are scattered relic populations of endemic
species. Every once in a while there is a 3-5’ diameter mat plant that tenaciously holds to the sand and the adjoining cliff faces. From the dense dried flower clusters it is a relative of the bistort, Polygonum bistorta. Thanks to Dan Segal (Ithaca, NY) for helping with the taxonomic identification of this species.
                                Rumex acetosella                    Sheep Sorrel                               50/3.50
A hardy perennial saladplant with tasty acerbic leaves. It is part of the Hoxsey Tonic herbal formuation used by cancer patients to improve their condition.
                                    Cornus kousa                        Kousa Dogwood                         5/3.50
            Hardy shrub to small tree with 1” spherical fruits with hard seeds and palatable sweet flesh. Another dogwood, Cornus mas, the Cornelian Cherry Dogwood seems to be somewhat confused with the Kousa Dogwood. The latter has a fruit juice appropriate for a sorbet. The former has a single large seed in a small, rather juiceless fruit.  
                                    Valeriana officinalis              Valerian                           50/4.00
            From the roots of this hardy biennial/perennial comes a sedative and stress reducing extract. Has a characteristic and unique fragrance in both flowers and roots.                       
                                Arctostaphylos ura-ursi         Kinnickinnick, Bearberry  10/4.00
            Hardy mat-forming perennial along the sandy coastal strand of the PNW. Uncommon and
disappearing. Attractive leaves and red berries. Appears to have male and female plants.
                                    Rubia tinctorum                     Dyer’s Madder       20/4.00
            Decumbent perennial herb whose roots contain anthraquinones that impart a red color to fabrics and paints. Plants have been hardy in our backyard to 20F below freezing.
                                    Nepeta cataria                                    Catnip                           100/3.00
            Traditional feline euphoric; seems to be cat specific. Hardy plants to 5’.
Melissa officinalis                  Lemon Balm                            100/3.00
Hardy perennial tea and medicinal mint that thrives in part shade, to 3’.
Ocimum sanctum                   Tulsi Basil                                50/4.00
Annual in the temperate zone with soft, velvety leaves whose fragrance and medicinal qualities have been revered in India for millennia. A venerable teaherb.
Lavandula angutifolius         Munstead Lavender              100/3.50
Hardy perennial from 1-2 feet tall with the characteristic fragrance used in soaps, candles and herbal teas. The dried flower tops are used to protect clothing from moths.
                        Perilla frutescens                   Yamazaki Shiso                        100/3.00
In their northern California garden, Kazuko and Jensai Yamasaki grew an aromatic, crisped purple leaved herb whose leaves they used to flavor and color the Prunus mume (Japanese flowering apricot) fruits that they salted and fermented into umeboshi plums. The salted plums have many beneficial health promoting properties and are an essential part of macrobiotic cuisine. This traditional Japanese shiso grows to 3’.
                        Scutellaria barbata                 Chinese Skullcap               50/4.00
Hardy plants to 1’ with small pale blue flowers. Has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for stress, anxiety, headaches and depression. Extracts have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties (breast and pancreatic cancers) in that it induces apoptosis (programmed cell death).  We thank Aline of Green Journey Seeds (Eugene, OR) for providing us seeds of this medicinal herb.
                                    Papaver rupifragum              Atlas Poppy                          100/4.00
            From hardy basal rosettes of bluish-green leaves come 10-20” flower spikes with pale orange flowers. This perennial has become a well-appreciated garden plant for it flowers when few others do. 
                        Solanaceae  (good sites for this family are and
Capsicum Peppers-for an uplifting educational article about wild capsicum species peppers see
There is new interest in Capsicum with the discovery of more than a dozen new species in southeastern Brazil, all with 2n=26 chromosomes while the commonly known species have 2n=24. Further, as we grow more species and their cultivars, it seems that as for example in the following list of Capsicum baccatum distinguished by cultivar as well as variety, the different varieties could well be species. In part it will depend on interspecies fertility which can be further developed. Some C. baccatums are more cold tolerant than many of our cultivated peppers which belong to Capisicum annuum, Capsicum chinense and Capsicum frutescens.

Capsicum annuum                Aci Sivri Cayenne                            30/4.00    

A Turkish heirloom adapted to cooler nights and clay soils that grows to 3’ and routinely produces 30-50 fruits per plant, 6-8” long, of mixed hotness. We eat fresh at most meals from summer through fall.

              Capsicum baccatum v. baccatum       Criolla Sella Pepper          50/3.00

            Small 1’ bushes, highly branched with remarkable production of 2-3” fruits
that mature orange; hot, good for soups.

       Capsicum baccatum var pendulum   Malagueta Pepper                 40/3.00           

            1-2’ bushes with pendant 3” fruits, hot, matures red.

      Capsicum baccatum var pendulum   Omnicolor Pepper             20/4.00 

Small sprawling plants with 2-3” elongate fruits that are cream colored, then blush with purple, then turn orange and finally mature red. Succulent fruits are hot, good fresh and lovely to grow.   

              Capsicum baccatum var. umbilicatum  Monk’s Hat Pepper           50/5.00 

 Small 1-2’ bushes with unusual bell shaped, trilobed fruits. These are hot and dry to a bright red color, suggesting high levels of the tomato anti-oxidant lycopene.

               Capsicum pubescens              Red Apple Chili                               25/4.00
            This Chile Manzano is sweet except for the central membranes that hold the seeds which is quite hot. These are sprawling bushes with purple flowers and 2.5x1.5” fruits with thick flesh. The largest fruits are 15-20 grams. By planting 1 year old plants in the floor of our greenhouse, in part shade, next to a trellis that holds a Giant Groundcherry, the plants are now 8-10 feet tall and ramble like the groundcherry. Single plants yield hundreds of fruits beginning in June and have perennialized.  Seeds are black and plants have light green velvety leaves. Ecologically distinct from the peppers we ordinarily grow in our gardens.
                        Capsicum pubescens              Gold Chile Manzano              25/4.00
            Another Apple Chile but with smaller orange-yellow fruits 1”x1” that are not as hot as the red ones. The flesh is sweet, seeds are black, a characteristic of the species.
                        Physalis peruviana                 Giant Groundcherry                   35/4.00
          Rambling 3-5’ understorey plants treated as 7 month annuals in the temperate zone. 1” spherical berries are orange when ripe with a aromatic, fragrant and delicious flavor. Gabriel Howearth picked up some fruits in Guatemala in the late ‘60’s, passed them on to us and we have been maintaining it ever since. Start seeds in Jan-Mar for good outdoor crops. One plant in our main greenhouse grows over and around an 8 foot trellis. It has been thriving for more than 15 years and has a large caudex. There are small amounts of free aminos in the fruit juice >>alanine, glutamic acid, proline, aspartic acid and serine.
            Solanum =Lycopersicon cheesmaniae          Galapagos Is. Tomato    30/5.00
            Bushes to 3’, attractive foliage, yellow fruits, fine flavor, crosses to Solanum lycopersicum
                        Solanum habrochaites v glabratum    Wild Andean Species Tomato  25/5.00
            Renamed from Solanum=Lycoperscon hirsutum, this fuzzy-leaved, bright yellow flowered, indeterminate vine species is likely one of the original species to give rise to the centiflors. But then again there are two varieties to this species and both have hypertresses to different degrees.
                        Solanum lycopersicum (esculentum)                        Tomato
  In the recent revision of the taxonomy of the genus Solanum (see and, the tomato clade of about 17 species has once again been re-incorporated into the huge genus Solanum (ca 1600 species). In addition, the derived, cultivar level tomatoes with which we are all familiar are included in a new species called Solanum lycopersicum replacing the familiar species S. esculentum. This group of plants is an interesting place for gardeners to learn about species and how they were/are the foundation of modern cultivated varieties. The modern edible tomato has seeds 2-10x larger than those of the species. Plant architecture is different among the species and flavor of the small wild fruits has distinction lost in many modern cultivars. The solids in the juices of tomato fruits are mostly free amino acids central to the function of our cells and bodies. The juice has 14-15 of the free amino acids used to build proteins. The ones in highest amounts are glutamic acid, glutamine, aspartic acid, asparagine, gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA), serine and alanine. We still do not know how the current tomato cultivars arose from the wild species.
            Solanum lycopersicum           Early Willamette Bush Tomato           50/3.50
            Determinate bushes with 3 flowerings and fruit sets. Fruits in clusters of 4-10 red fruits 0.5-2 ounces each, similar in earliness to Stupice.
                        Solanum lycopersicum           Geranium Kiss Bush Tomato             25/4.00
          Stocky 2’ plants with hypertresses of 10-25 red fruits of 1 ounce size, excellent flavor, makes 2-4 sets of flowers and fruits. Plants last well into the fall and fruits maintain well on the dying bushes. Dylana considers it ‘a one stake wonder’.
            Solanum lycopersicum       Joe Pesch Tomato                                         15/4.00
          A pink tomato with a long acuminate tip, quite unusual and unique in the tomato fruits we have seen during the past decades, of excellent flavor and a gift from Peter Zukis of Talent Oregon. Mr. Zukis, an accomplished gardener, got the seeds from an east coast buddy whose girlfriend’s grandfather was a market and produce gardener in New Haven Connecticut during the 1920’s. Joe Pesch brought it from Italy some time previous.
                      Solanum lycopersicum           Peacevine Cherry Vine Tomato       50/3.50
          Selected from a well known hybrid since the early ‘70’s, this vigorous indeterminate vine with two ranked flower spikes of a dozen flowers makes many very tasty 3/4” red fruits. In a university study of 30+ varieties of cherry tomatoes for Vitamin C content, this was #1. The fruit juice also contains 17 of the 20 amino acids used to make proteins with significant amounts of the neuromodulator GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid).               
            Solanum lycopersicum       Red Centiflor Hypertress Cherry Tomato   50/5.00
          From our cross of L. humboldtii, the Grape Tress Tomato with L. hirsutum arose this unanticipated cultivar with clusters of dozens to hundreds of flowers held above the foliage where the silky hairs of the flower buds resemble insects followed by clusters of large numbers of 1” red sweet fruits that resist cracking and rot.
                      Solanum lycopersicum  Red Clusterpear Hypertress Cherry Tomato  50/4.00
          Red pear-shaped fruits on flowers carried above the foliage. These plants make hundreds of flowers and carry abundant fruits on vigorous plants.
        Solanum lycopersicum    Orange Centiflor Hypertress Cherry Tomato 25/5.00
          One of the unusual characteristics of the Centiflor tomatoes is that, unlike most garden tomatoes, they outcross occasionally. This creates problems in seed saving but opportunity for crosses that the bees can do. This new variety arose from a cross of Sungold with Red Centiflor. These are vigorous hypertress vines with remarkably delicious fruits.
  Solanum lycopersicum   Yellow Centiflor Hypertress Cherry Tomato 50/5.00
          Derived from the same cross detailed in the previous listing, this line makes somewhat larger fruit, with a distinctive point on the end of the round bright fruits. While both parent species leading to this cultivar have 5-20 flowers in a spike, these centiflors (meaning 100 flowers) have hypertresses of flowers leading to a unique and distinguishing aspect.
                 Solanum lycopersicum                Walhachin Tomato                          50/5.00
          Named for a Canadian town in British Columbia town where UK refugees from WW1 developed this variety. Plants are stocky, to 3’ with red, half pound rather hard fruits. Original seed for this heirloom from Chuck Hayes of Kamloops, BC.
 Solanum lycopersicum v. piriforme       Pear Shaped Tomato                 50/3.50
          Shrubby plants to 2’ with many tasty, red, pear shaped fruits. One of the first cultivars derived from wild species.
       Solanum peruvianum                   Wild Peruvian Species Tomato                  50/5.00
            Strong indeterminate vine with bright yellow flowers in clusters. This is a hypertress species. In one hypertress of 84 flowers, all set fruits. Considered to be difficult to cross to the common tomatoes, Successes, if any, come from using its pollen to make crosses. Fruits are green with purple shading. Fruits are edible though not choice.
      Solanum pimpinellifolium hybrid     Matt’s Wild Cherry                     25/4.00
          Small red fruits in bichalazal racemes reminiscent of Sweet 100 or Peacevine Cherry. But the fruits are much smaller. The plants ramble extensively. The foliage is characteristic of the Currant Tomato, Solanum pimpinellifolium.



                                    Barbarea verna                                  Early Winter Cress          100/4.00
            Hardy biennial with nice aspect and tasty leaves for salad in cold weather.
                                  Brassica campestris ssp. rapifera     6 Root Grex Turnips     100/3.00
            An interbreeding mix of six cultivars chosen for edible leaves and quality roots that is adapting to our local gardens, an ongoing eco-adaptive development.
                                    Brassica napus                      Frizee Kale                                    100/5.00
            From a single plant among many Russian Red Kale was the progenitor of this new line. Leaves are ruffled, complexly shaggy, soft and of excellent edibility.
                                    Brassica napus                      Russian Red Kale                         100/3.00
            A dependable heirloom for winter greens; to 4’, vigorous plants with leaves for salad and steamed greens in fall, winter, spring and summer. The top 5 free amino acids for protein synthesis in the leaf juice are in decreasing amounts: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, alanine and threonine.
                                    Brassica oleracea                   Oregreen Curled Kale                 100/4.00
            Plants are 3-4’ tall with deeply curled green leaves on stocky stems. Selected from a
cross of Scotch Curled Kale and Pentland Brig Kale.
                                    Brassica oleracea                   Walking Stick Giant Kale           50/4.00
            Growing to 12’, a European heirloom with thick stems that twist and turn as the plant
grows seeking support and when dried making distinctive canes.
                          Brassica oleracea v. italica     Nutribud Broccoli                      100/5.00
            Open pollinated, large primary heads and good side-growth after primary harvest, to  2’. Vigorous and nutritious with significant amounts of glutamine and other free protein synthesis and energy amino acids in the stems and buds. Top florets have the most free amino acids compared with the stalk and stem that holds them. >> alanine, glutamine, glutamic acid, proline, GABA, serine and valine.
                                    Bunias orientalis                    Turkish Rocket                              100/3.00
            Hardy and weedy perennial to 3’ with fragrant flowers loved by bees.
                                  Eruca sativa                           Arugula/Roquette                         100/3.00
            One of the choice temperate zone salad greens, particularly in fall, winter and spring where its unque spicy and pungent flavor improves salads and tickles the palate. Free amino acids in leaf juices are >>proline, glutamine, glutamic acid, serine, GABA, alanine, valine and isoleucine.
                                    Rhaphanus bipinnatus          Ohkura Winter Queen Daikon     50/3.00
            Choice fall planted, white fleshed, stump-rooted, cylindrical asian radish to 5 pounds, or more.
                 Tropaeolum  tuberosum v. pilifera       Mashua  
      A very vigorous and productive new foodplant for the PNW. This is a tuberous rooted nasturtium from Colombia, SA. Since it comes from north of the equator, there is no day length problem in the production of tubers as we have found with Bolivian mashua cultivars. Tubers are white with an anise fragrance when cooked, 5-8” long and produced in abundance, exceeding that of potatoes. Makes a tight mat over the ground and small attractive orange flowers. Their fall flowering attracts hummingbirds as the nectaries of the flowers have a very sweet juice. The decumbent vines not only ramble on the ground but climb trellis to 8-10’ or more. Traditionally grown in polycultures of potatoes, oca, ulluco in Andean South America because the tubers contain aromatic mustard oils that discourage rodents.
                                    Cucurbita pepo     Costata Romanesca Vine Zucchini                20/4.00
            Vigorous vines and excellent ribbed fruits with a star-like pattern in cross-section. This worthy Italian Heirloom grows delicious zucchinis for most of the summer into fall.        
                                    Cyclanthera brachystegia   Achocha                                             15/4.00
            One of the Andean vegetables considered a lost crop but for many of us this is a new
garden plant. Vines are prolific, thriving in our cool wet fall weather where myriad 1-2” green cucurbitaceous edible, crunchy, nice fruits are produced.
                                    Cyclanthera pedata    Caigua, Slipper Gourd                    10/4.00
            Another rare food plant from the Andes with many virtues. Vines grow prodigiously, especially in the late summer and fall producing smooth skinned, hollow fruits that are 6-9” long and are stuffed and cooked like capsicum peppers with which they have taste similarities.  The smaller, immature fruits are crunchy, tasty and carried on interesting flower spikes with one basal female flower that bears the fruits and myriad male flowers higher up on the inflorescence.  Fruits have unusual nutritional properties that include reducing cholesterol,  countering diabetes, reducing inflammation (comparable to ibuprofin), stimulating weight loss and reducing cellulite.  One of the few cucurbits whose leaves are eaten raw as a salad plant.
 Sustainer of the world’s soil fertility as homes for rhizobial microbes and as green manure and cover crops.  The legumes and roses have different species of bacteria that fix nitrogen in their roots yet the flowers are very different. Thus Linneaus supported a misconception about plant relationships that took more than 200 years to correct.
                                    Amphicarpaea bracteata        Hog Peanut                            10/5.00
            A hardy woodland plant from the eastern USA that rambles and climbs in shady, moist conditions and makes both edible peanut like fruits underground and fertile top seeds.  A rather unknown minor foodplant and enhancer of soil fertility.
                                    Cajanus cajan                        Pigeon Pea                                   20/4.00
            Perennial nitrogen-fixer living 3-10 years, growing 6-10’ bushy plants that are a sustainable foodplant of tropical ecosystems. Growing and overwintering in our greenhouse, they began making flowers, pods and seeds the second year. Now, some years later we prune them down to 3-4’ and they regrow in the following season.. A primary foodplant in zone 10 and warmer places, used for dahl and tempeh.
                                    Glycine max    Soybeans        The Chinese call the soybean ‘the great bean’. In The Book of Tofu, Bill Shurtlieff promotes the soybean as the major protein food source for humanity. It is impressive that these seeds, originating in the colder northern regions of China, selected and adapted for thousands of years give rise to tofu, tempeh, tamari, miso, amasake, and edamame.
                                    Glycine max                Cha Kura Kake Soybeans                       20/3.00           
3’ prolific plants; large bicolor seeds-redbrown on yellow; 46% protein (Lobitz)- good edamame.

                         Glycine max                Hakucho Edamame Soybeans      20/3.00 

Stocky 2-3’ plants with large green succulent seeds, 2-3 seeds per pod. Maturity 95 days.   

                                    Glycine max                Hidatsa Early Edamame Soybeans      20/3.00
16” plants mature early and do well in cool, wet soils. Seeds are medium sized 
Maturity 80 days.
Glycine max                Jewel  Soybeans                                       20/3.00
            2-3’ plants with beautiful bicolor seeds, yellow with black saddle, having 37% protein (Lobitz). Maturity 120 days. They come from Manchuria (USDA) thru Robert Lobitz who named it.
Glycine max                OAC Ares Soybeans                                 20/3.00
            4’ plants that twine if planted early; yellow seeds, good yields. Maturity 120 days.
                                    Glycine max                Oosodefuri Edamame Soybeans            20/3.00
            3-4’ well built productive plants, green pods, large green seeds. Maturity 140 days.
                                  Glycine max                Velvet Soybeans                                       20/4.00
            3’ plants with silky white hairs on leaves and pods conferring insect resistance to some pests. Scott Vlaun in Maine found that Japanese beetles ate the edamame and tofu cultivars but left the Velvet alone. Said by Lobitz “found as a mutation of the Blackhawk variety in 1956”. Flowers are white so can be used as a genetic testing strain for outcrossing among soybean cultivars in the same field. Small yellow-white seeds.
                                    Glycine max                Vinton 81 Tofu Soybean                         20/3.00
            An excellent tofu bean; cream-white seeds, productive on 4’ plants. Maturity 140 days
                                    Lupinus mutabilis      Chocho, Andean Lupine                         10/4.00
            Annual plants to 3-5’ with beautiful purple and yellow flowers. Seeds were a traditional companion plant in Andean mid-elevation gardens that included potatoes, oca, mashua, squash, achocha and yacon.
                                    Lupinus polyphyllus              Big-leaved Lupin                          15/4.00
            A west coast native that was one of the parents in the Russell Lupin hybrids found in many gardens. Beautiful large wheel shaped leaves with up to 16 leaflets. Spikes are up to 5’ and flowers are pink to tan. Collected in the Willamette Valley where only relic populations remain.
                                    Melilotus albus                       White Sweet Clover                      30/4.00
            We first identified this annual/biennial species growing on the banks of the Applegate River in southern Oregon. This year it volunteered in our backyard garden and we are glad to offer this plant that grows to 6’ with a fine vanilla-like fragrance.
                                    Phaseolus coccineus  Jack’s Runner Pole Bean                           10/4.00
            An Austrian heirloom from Donna Truss of Eugene, Oregon that can run up 20’ in a season with large white lima-bean-like seeds, 2-3 seeds/pod and white flowers. Named for the legend of climbing a beanstalk and ending up in another world. Gardening can do that for us, sometimes.
Phaseolus coccineus  Scarlet Emperor Runner Pole Bean        20/4.00
            A superior food plant heirloom cultivar. Vigorous vines begin flowering when a foot tall, providing delicious steamed green beans from early on in the season. Flowers are red, pods 6-8” long with 5-6 seeds/pod of pink overlaid by purple. An heirloom introduced into the USA in the 1800’s. For the past several years, the Scarlet Emperors growing at John and Marsha Sundquists organic farm have survived frozen climes and 12F, well below freezing weather until rodents are their tuberous roots. We got our original seeds from them in the mid 1990’s..
Phaseolus vulgaris     Alice Sunshine Snap Bush Beans         25/3.50
            20” large vigorous plants with flat green 7-8” pods with fine flavor and productivity. Original public domain breeding Robert Lobitz.
                                    Phaseolus vulgaris     Biko Snap Pole Beans                             25/4.00
 Productive snap bean cultivar with 6” pods and distinctive blue-grey seeds. Named in honor of Stephen Biko who was murdered in 1977 for opposing racial discrimination in South Africa .
Phaseolus vulgaris     Domatsu Snap Pole Beans                     25/4.00
            Vigorous vines, 6-8” green round pods held in clusters, excellent cultivar.
                                    Phaseolus vulgaris     Hutterite Soup Bush Beans                    25/4.00
            During our first decade of seed growing and saving, we grew many different cultivars of bush beans without much savvy as to why they were heirlooms. Then one unusually cold and frozen winter we had to eat some of our bean seeds. At about the third pot of bean and vegetable soup we tried the Hutterite bean. Rather than staying as beans in the soup, they quickly turned into a thick, creamy chowder. It gave us some insight as to why certain seeds and their plants have been cherished and passed on from generation to generation. Sometimes we can rediscover the essential aspects of value to humanity in what continues to be worthy, even in high tech, high stress, high demand times.
                                    Phaseolus vulgaris     New Mexico Cave Snap Pole Beans        25/4.00
            Distinctly patterned seeds on tall, medium–late vines with excellent 6” snap pods combine with its history to make this worth growing. A few years after we became members of the SSE (the Seed Saver’s Exchange), we received a package in the mail from a Mr. Pritchard with a note saying that the enclosed seeds would be of interest to us. He said they were the third generation from seeds found buried in a cave in a clay pot, sealed with pine pitch and C-14 dated to 1500 ago. Interestingly, some 15 years later, one of my customers related that her daughter in a UCLA anthropology course digging for pygmy elephants in New Mexico found a clay pot with the beans and had them carbon dated. No one has related about their initial germination and growth, both of which are considered unlikely in modern scientific terms. We have grown them for decades and the seeds are unlike any other. Several people have selected lines of this bean whose markings are characteristic and distinguishable from one another.
            The snap pods of peas and beans are some of the richest sources for free amino acids in our diets. The analysis of the juice from a fresh snap bean of this traditional and other heirloom cultivars shows large amounts of the following free pre-protein amino acids >> glutamine, aspargine, alanine, arginine, glutamic acid, valine, threonine, methionine, leucine, cysteine and lysine.
                                    Phaseolus vulgaris     Red Swan Snap Bush Beans                  25/5.00
            One of Robert Lobitz’s original public domain cultivars. 16-20” plants have 5” red snap pods of good flavor and distinctive appearance. This cultivar produces edible pods early and in abundance,                        
Pisum sativum            Green Beauty Snow Vine Pea                 30/3.50
            8’ vines make 5-8” snowpeas in abundance, bicolor purple flowers, green pods, a choice
cultivar with large delicious oriental style pods. A Peace Seedlings favorite.
                                    Pisum sativum            Magnolia Blossom Snap Vine Pea         25/5.00
            Prolific hypertendril vines exceed 8-10’ with green snap pods some having a purple stripe and biolor purple flowers.
Pisum sativum            Opal Creek Yellow Snap Vine Pea         25/5.00
            Unique and tasty 3” snap pods on 5-6’ vines with while flowers and remarkably sweet leaves that surround the stems of the vines. The first yellow podded snap cultivar. Has been longstanding and productive in tropical ecologies. Named to commemorate the struggle to preserve our old growth forests.
                                     Pisum sativum            Spring Blush Snap Vine Pea                  25/4.00
            Vigorous vines to 8-10’ with bicolor purple flowers and green snap pods, most with a pink blush. This is a hypertendril cultivar.
                                    Pisum sativum            Sugar Magnolia Purple Snap Vine Pea  20/5.00
            Vigorous vines with purple flowers and purple 3-4” snap pods of fine flavor. We have two seed batches for this purple snap vine cultivar. We will pack the hypertendril cultivar first and then when it runs out, we will use a seed stock that has a mixture of tendril types: regular, hypertendril and vetch (no tendrils) and parsley. Unexpectedly, the cross of a Parsley Bush Pea with a Purple Podded Snap Vine Pea generated the hypertendril trait. Hypertendrils are very distinctive, they hold a population of vine peas together, a useful self-supporting characteristic.
                                    Pisum sativum                        Sugaree Snap Vine Pea                25/4.00
            An excellent tall growing vine with 4” green snap pods, 2 flowers/ node, white flowers. A public domain cultivar in a heavily PVPed group of plants.
                                    Thermopsis montana             Golden Banner                              15/4.00
            A hardy western species with trifoliate leaves and bright yellow flowers on 3-4’ spikes.  We have observed only scattered patches of this attractive species in west-central Oregon.
Vicia faba                               Iant’s Yellow Fava                          15/5.00
            One day some years ago, Ianto Evans returned from Guatemala with a bag of fava beans part of which he shared with us. While collecing the tan seeds from one of the plants, one of the pods had several bright yellow seeds. The next season they were planted and bred true. Some years later, there was an article about Israeli researchers who found elevated levels of dopamine in the seeds and suggested that they would be useful food for folks suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
                                    Vicia faba                               Longpod Major Fava Beans              15/4.00
            5-6 large seeds per pod on 3’ plants; plants can make nodules on their roots the size of a dime. Here they overwinter well when small and before flowering. Then they make food early in the season like peas. The plants flower a month earlier than Iant’s Yellow.
                                    Vicia faba                               Red Cheek Fava Beans                    10/5.00
            Years ago in our early days of seed growing and collecting, we received some large tan fava beans from Peru with a distinctive red-purple blotch on the flat surfaces of the seeds. Recently Joe Simcox provided us with  fresh seeds having this distinguishing characteristic and we have grown a fresh crop that we now offer.
                                    Vigna unguiculata                 Yard Long Beans=Yalobe                20/4.00
            Tropical vines that make long pods16-24” or more depending on cultivar. They are a staple in several asian cuisines, cooked with oil, garlic and mushrooms.
                                    Pterocarya fraxinifolia           Caucasian Wingnut                      10/4.00
            An elegant hardy monoecious tree from the Caucasian mountains and related ecosystems. The long drooping inflorescences are quite beautiful. Trees appreciate a lot of water and good soil.
                                    Geranium pratense                Blue Meadow Cranesbill             20/4.00
            An attractive, hardy and perennial herb that is native to Europe. Seeds came to us from Frances Hoffman twenty years ago and plants have inhabited our home garden since then.
                              Oxalis tuberosa       Oca                 see
            A staple foodplant in the Andes of South America. Brilliantly colored tubers come out of the mud in November and December as jewels of the earth.. Plants are 1’ tall with shamrock leaves and tasty acerbic stems and leaves.    
                                    Frangula purshiana                          Cascara Sagrada                5/3.00
            Small tree whose fruits and bark have been used medicinally, especially for constipation.
                                    Prunus domestica x insititia      La Petite d’Agen Plum     5 stones/4.00
            We bought a plum tree from a local nursery, supposedly a Brooks, one of the largest and well known varieties for making prunes. After a few years we got some plums. They were teardrop shaped, exceedingly delicious and quite small. We dried a few and they made superb dried plums. So we traced them down to a remarkable history. In the 12th century, returning from the Crusades and the ancient city of Damascus (modern day Syria), monks collected seeds of the Damask (or Damson) plum which originated in the Caucasus Mountains between the Black and Caspian Seas. The monks planted the seeds in a monastery in the southwest of France about 35 miles from the town of Agen. These trees crossed to a wild, local plum and gave rise to a legendary heirloom that we inadvertently acquired. The 80,000 acres of these plums in three counties in California provide the major part of the world supply of commercial dried plums.
                                    Sedum sempervivoides           Creeping Stonecrop           1 plant/$10
            Plants from seeds from Sacred Succulents. Beautiful lotus-like morphology, originally from the Caucasus Mountains. Plants in 4” pots will be sent bare rooted. Postage is $2. 10 plants available.

            Free Amino Acids In Our Commonly Grown Organic Fruits and Vegetables, Particularly Ones That Make Proteins. by Alan M. Kapuler Ph.D. and S. Gurusiddiah Ph.D. 61 pages, Collated from Peace Seeds Journals 1988-1997 $20 + $2 postage
Six papers with HPLC Analyses of many leaf, root, fruit and flower juices, the Hoxsey tonic, garbanzo bean miso, broccoli-an inch at a time from stem to buds, onion-one bulb leaf at a time from the outside in.
            This work was done to explore amino acid nutrition. It provides meaningful and specific data about the essential small molecule precursors of proteins. Done over a period of 10 years, the head of the Bioanalytical Laboratory of Washington State University at Pullman WA did the high pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analyses of juices provided by us. The results show that pods making high protein seeds are the best source of free amino acids for protein synthesis. Thus peas, as snaps and snows, beans as snaps, okra as immature pods are the most productive free amino acid sources for the cuisine of the gardener.
            We eat proteins to break them down to amino acids with which we build our own proteins. Nuts, seeds of many kinds, proteins in leaves and other living creatures continue to be important protein sources. Looking to make a balanced amino acid food system encourages non-violence (ahimsa) at the core of our humanimal food system. Similarly, using amino acids as criteria for selection of cultivars moves us towards a broad range of physiologically important criteria for improving our health, longevity and ability to withstand the stresses of our current society.

         For a developmental article about Public Domain Plant Breeding see:
For discussion level videos see the following as well: and—-peace-seeds...
For a lecture spanning a broader spectrum of issues see
For a recent article about our endeavors see ‘Ecological Sanity in an Era of Corporate Monoculture’ by Genevieve Weber in the August-September 2012 pgs 8-10.